Premier Opiate Addiction Rehab Clinic Serving Riverside & Corona, CA

Pacific Grove Hospital is a premier 68-bed treatment center near Riverside & Corona, CA, dedicated to treating people who struggle with opioid addiction and other types of mental health disorders.

Learn More About Opiate Addiction Treatment

Learn more about opiate addiction treatment at Pacific Grove Hospital in Riverside, CA

Opiate addiction is one of the most widespread forms of prescription drug abuse affecting millions of people throughout the world. It’s been estimated that a whopping 3 million people in the United States, despite the attempts of law enforcement, physicians, and community projects, are affected by opiate abuse. Prescription opiates such as Vicodin, Norco, and OxyContin are used to treat pain-related conditions and are, unfortunately, frequently diverted and sold to people to get high. Other people may abuse heroin, the illegal opiate that has claimed the lives of countless individuals. If you’re addicted to opiates, you may feel trapped in a cycle of abuse – using to keep the withdrawal symptoms at bay and in order to feel any type of emotion. You know that you need to quit the drugs, but you may not know how. Treatment is possible and you can recover from opiate addiction.

Pacific Grove Hospital is a premier 68-bed rehab clinic near Riverside & Corona, CA, that has helped countless people addicted to drugs or alcohol successfully detox and use the 12-step rehab model for addiction to remain sober. We firmly maintain that the best way to treat opiate dependence and associated mental health disorders involves care of the whole person, which is why we aim to work with you to create an individualized plan of care that addresses all of your needs.

How to Help a Loved One

Helping a loved one get treatment for opiate addiction

It probably started out small – your loved one was legally prescribed prescription opiates out of medical necessity to manage moderate to severe pain. He or she may have gotten hooked on the euphoric, blissful feelings opiates produce alongside analgesia. When the prescription ran out, your loved one may have continued to find ways to seek opiates and abuse them in higher and higher quantities. You know your loved one needs help to overcome this addiction but you may not know what to say or do. Here are some tips for talking to your loved one about seeking inpatient treatment for opiate addiction:

Say something: Be gentle yet persistent when you speak to your loved one about addiction to opiates. Use “I” statements such as “I notice you’re still using opiates,” rather than the accusatory “you” statements. Say what you’ve noticed and suggested that he or she seek inpatient treatment to address the psychological and physiological components of opiate addiction.

Don’t judge: It’s not your place to judge your loved one for his or her addiction. Make sure that you communicate to your loved one that you’re behind them all the way and that you’re not disappointed in them. Don’t offer ultimatums, bribes, or use guilt as a means to influence your loved one’s decision – it may push them further away.

Provide options: It’s been shown that inpatient treatment for opiate addiction centered on the 12-step model for addiction rehab is one of the best ways to get – and stay – sober. Find local rehab clinics that offer the types of treatments that best fit with your loved one’s needs. Schedule appointments for you and your loved one to tour the clinics and ease any anxiety about entering rehab.

Why Consider Treatment

Why consider treatment for opiate addiction at Pacific Grove Hospital in Riverside, CA

If you’ve been abusing opiates for a long time, you’re probably starting to notice some of the consequences of your addiction. You may be faced with the aftereffects of risky behaviors you engaged in while high – excess spending, STDs, and legal problems. Your health may begin to suffer as opiates are not intended to be used in high doses for long periods of time. You may have graduated from using prescription opiates to heroin, another opiate that may be more easily obtained – even though it’s illegal. Heroin abuse only leads to further health, physical, emotional, and psychological problems. It’s time to ditch the drugs and get sober.

Inpatient treatment at a rehab clinic for opiate addiction is one of the best ways to manage this type of addiction as it will provide security and safety during your journey toward recovery. You’ll be safely and efficiently detoxed from opiates while being medically monitored for your safety. Medication may be used to help combat the symptoms of opiate withdrawal. Best of all, inpatient treatment rehab clinics offer the ability to escape the stress and triggers of your home life and fully engage in the rehab process.

Our Philosophy

Pacific Grove Hospital philosophy and treatment benefits

Our rehab clinic understands that addiction is a debilitating disease that leaves no area of an addict’s life untouched. With prompt, proper care, and a treatment plan that meets each individual’s needs, we begin to help our clients down the road to sobriety. Our addiction rehab is based upon the 12-step model for addiction recovery, which has been proved to be one of the best ways for addicts to continue their rehabilitation and maintain sobriety. We use a combination of medical management, medication, and behavioral therapies to help our clients overcome their addiction to opiates and learn the skills needed to maintain sobriety.

Types of Treatment

Types of opiate addiction treatment offered at Pacific Grove Hospital in Riverside, CA

When you first come to our rehab clinic, you’ll undergo specific examinations that will allow us to help best understand your challenges and create a treatment plan for your stay with us. The medical exam will diagnose any medical complications caused by opiate abuse while the psychological evaluation will diagnose any co-occurring mental health disorders such as anxiety or depression. We’ll take the results of these tests and sit down with you and your loved ones to create an individualized treatment plan.

Detox is usually the first step for those struggling with opiate addiction. The detox process at our rehab clinic will remove opiates and other drugs in your system in a safe, effective manner. You’ll be under 24-hour observation to treat any symptoms of withdrawal and ensure your safety. While you’re in detox, you’ll also be fully engaged in behavioral therapies and other rehab techniques.

Medication may be used to combat some of the unpleasant side effects of withdrawal and will slowly be tapered down as your body becomes adjusted to sobriety. Many clients at our rehab clinic require longer-term medication therapy to address the symptoms of co-occurring, comorbid mental health disorders. Medications will be closely monitored and adjusted as needed.

Individual therapy at our rehab clinic will provide you space and time to work independently with a therapist to address some of the facets of your opiate addiction. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is very effective at teaching recovering addicts ways in which their negative emotions and thoughts profoundly affect behaviors. By learning to identify these emotions, you’ll then learn ways to replace these negative thoughts with more adaptive ways of seeing the world.

Group therapy is often considered the cornerstone of addiction recovery treatment as it allows you to work closely with other people struggling with addiction. Together, you can develop healthier ways of coping with stress, dealing with triggers, and relapse prevention. At our rehab clinic, we offer a number of groups every day – including an N.A. meeting – that touch upon different topics and allow you the space to process your emotions in a supportive environment.

Family therapy is very important for your continued recovery and sobriety. Family sessions will work toward mending any broken bonds and strained relationships that may have come about as a result of opiate abuse. At our rehab clinic, we’ll work with your loved ones to provide education, ways they can support your rehab treatment, and allow them to express their feelings about your opiate addiction.

As a holistic rehab clinic, Pacific Grove Hospital proudly offers a number of experiential methods designed to supplement traditional therapeutic approaches. These experiential treatment methods include:

  • Art
  • Yoga
  • Ceramics
  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Recreational therapy
  • Expressive therapy

Continuing Care

Continuing care and levels of treatment for opiate addiction

As your time for discharge draws near, we’ll work closely with you and your loved ones to ensure that you have an appropriate aftercare plan in place before you leave our rehab clinic. Our discharge planner and therapist will work with you and your loved ones to make sure you have appropriate housing, provide access to available community resources, and help you find gainful employment, should you need it. Pacific Grove Hospital is pleased to offer two continuing care options for our clients stepping down from our inpatient treatment: our partial hospitalization program (PHP) and our intensive outpatient program (IOP). Both our IOP and PHP treatment options offer the opportunity to continue your recovery on an outpatient basis while slowly returning back into your home life in the evenings and on weekends. We’ve found that a few clients have made enough progress during their stay with us that they feel ready to discharge with referrals to traditional outpatient therapy and appropriate community resources.

Unsure of the help you need?

Pacific Grove Hospital changed my life. I struggled with major depression, severe social anxiety, and a panic disorder for several years, and I had hit rock bottom. I didn't think I would last the year. Coming here was the best decision I could have possibly made. I entered that program I depressed, sad, lonely person and came out a functioning, successful, happy adult.

– Kristen E.
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