Premier Marijuana Abuse Rehab Clinic Serving Riverside & Corona, CA

Pacific Grove Hospital is a premier 68-bed treatment center near Riverside & Corona, CA, dedicated to treating people who struggle with marijuana abuse and other types of mental health disorders.

Learn More About Marijuana Addiction Treatment

Learn more about marijuana abuse treatment at Pacific Grove Hospital in Riverside, CA

Marijuana, also referred to as grass or dope, is a grey-green mixture of dried, shredded flowers and leaves of the hemp plant. Individuals use this mixture for its psychoactive and physiological effects, which include heightened mood, relaxation, and increased appetite. Pacific Grove Hospital is a premier full-service rehab clinic near Riverside & Corona, CA, dedicated to helping men and women age 18 and older recover from mental health disorders and chemical dependency problems. We have helped countless men and women successfully learn the 12-step model for addiction recovery in order to once again lead a sober, productive life. Our mission is to treat the whole person, not simply the symptoms of a disorder or addiction. At our rehab clinic we can help you learn to live a life without pot.

How to Help a Loved One

Helping a loved one get treatment for marijuana abuse

If you’ve noticed that your loved one has become dependent upon drugs to get through the day, it may be time to get them help from an addiction specialists. It can be very hard to cope with the knowledge that your loved one has become addicted to drugs and you may even wonder if your own actions led to the situation. You know your loved one needs to seek help, but you may not know how to approach the topic. Here are some tips that may help you get your loved one into treatment:

Build a support system: Without a proper support system, it is almost impossible for an individual to successfully overcome an addiction. Support is vital to help ensure that your loved one remains on track with their sobriety once they get clean. Enlist friends and family to help you through this tough time and reassure your loved one that he or she is very loved.

Research options: Make an appointment with local rehab clinics to see what the available options for addiction treatment are. Understand that addiction is a complex disease; the treatment approaches for one person may not work for another. Your loved one may need to try several approaches before he or she finds what treatment works best.

Be patient: Recovery from addiction to drugs is not an easy or quick process, it is a long journey that may have some bumps along the way. Help keep your loved one on track by following a treatment plan and scheduling regular check-ins with a therapist.

Why Consider Treatment

Why consider treatment for marijuana abuse at Pacific Grove Hospital in Riverside, CA

If you’re struggling with a drug addiction, you may have noticed that your life has slowly begun to revolve around seeking out, buying, using, and recovering from drug abuse. You may have lost relationships with friends and family members as your addiction grew and slowly become more isolated. You may have flunked out of school or have been fired from work for poor performance. Finally, your overall health and emotional well-being may have progressively gotten worse as the addiction has taken over your life.

An inpatient rehab clinic that specializes in addiction treatment using the 12-step model of recovery is one of the best ways to successfully overcome addiction. In an inpatient addiction or chemical dependency rehab clinic, you will get the treatment you need in a safe environment that will allow you to place all of your energy on overcoming your addiction. If needed, a detoxification process will allow you to safely rid your body of all toxic substances while other treatment approaches will help you learn to manage your addiction and develop the tools needed to recover.

Our Philosophy

Pacific Grove Hospital philosophy and treatment benefits

When you come to our rehab clinic, we will do all we can to make you feel comfortable and safe behind our doors. Our staff is devoted to helping all who come to our rehab clinic learn the skills necessary to lead a life free from drugs and alcohol. We firmly believe that each client holds the tools needed to take a central role in their recovery, and we work to empower our clients to take an active approach in the whole treatment process. Additionally, since family support is crucial for our clients during this time of recovery, we include family and loved ones in every step of the treatment process. At our rehab clinic, you will receive care that meets all of your needs.

Types of Treatment

Types of marijuana abuse treatment offered at Pacific Grove Hospital in Riverside, CA

When you first come to our rehab clinic for treatment of your addiction, you’ll go through a variety of evaluations to allow us to gain better insight into your struggles and discover the best ways to help you recover. The psychological evaluation will diagnose any co-occurring mental health disorders you may have while the physical exam will diagnose any health-related complications related to your addiction. We’ll take the results of these evaluations and work with you and your family to develop a treatment plan most appropriate for your unique needs.

Detox may be the first step in your rehab journey if your body has become dependent on any drugs or alcohol. Through this process we will safely and efficiently help your body detox while ensuring your comfort through medication and around-the-clock supervision. During detox at our rehab clinic, you’ll be fully engaged in your 12-step rehab journey.

Medication may be used during detox to alleviate any unpleasant symptoms of withdrawal and will slowly be decreased as your body becomes accustomed to life without drugs. Other people may have co-occurring disorders like depression or anxiety disorders and may need medication on a long-term basis. All medication will be closely monitored by your treatment team at our rehab clinic and adjusted as needed.

Individual therapy provides you with the opportunity to work privately with a therapist at our rehab clinic who can help you develop strategies based off the 12-step model for addiction recovery to cope with cravings, triggers, and ways to deal with the problems pot abuse has caused in your life. Additionally, time may be spent looking into the underlying cause for the development of your addiction.

Group therapy is one of the hallmarks of addiction rehab. Through groups such as N.A. meetings, you’ll work with others struggling with addiction and other mental health disorders. At our rehab clinic, you’ll work on the 12 steps, discuss ways you can manage the problems addiction has caused in your life, and redevelop social skills, and ways of interacting with other people.

Family therapy is extremely crucial during your recovery. Family support can make a tremendous difference in your rehab so we aim to include your loved ones in your care from the very beginning of your stay with us. At our rehab clinic, we encourage your loved ones to take active roles in your continued care and we use family sessions to open lines of communication, help mend strained relationships, and educate your loved ones about the disease of addiction.

In addition to traditional treatment methods, we also offer a variety of experiential methods designed to help heal the whole person. These may include:

  • Art
  • Yoga
  • Ceramics
  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Recreational therapy
  • Expressive therapy

Continuing Care

Continuing care and levels of treatment for marijuana abuse

When you have completed your inpatient stay at our rehab clinic, we work closely with you and your loved ones to ensure that you have an appropriate aftercare plan in place that will ensure for continuity of care. We will work with you and your loved ones to find appropriate housing, access available community resources, and help you find gainful employment, should you need it. Pacific Grove Hospital is proud to offer two continuing care options: our partial hospitalization program (PHP) and our intensive outpatient program (IOP). Both our IOP and PHP treatment options offer you the chance to work on your recovery on an outpatient basis while slowly reintegrating back into your community in the evenings and on weekends. Some clients have made enough progress during their stay at our rehab clinic that they feel ready to discharge with referrals to traditional outpatient therapy and appropriate community resources.

Unsure of the help you need?

My son was admitted here and through the care, compassion & medical treatment he has been clean & sober. Because of this facility, he is alive and very happy. We are all grateful that he went to Pacific Grove Hospital.

– Cindy A.
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